How do you have a Halloween without candy?

That’s what I’d been working out over the past few days. You see, we’ve recently quit sugar, and I don’t want to fall into bad habits again. So I spent a bit of time on Pinterest and came up with a mostly sugar-free party menu for the kids. Last year we went trick-or-treating and the kids all had a giant bag filled with candy, so obviously we couldn’t take them out this year. So a tiny house party it has to be!

In keeping with the tiny theme, I buy some tiny pumpkins for carving, which are just adorable!

We start the day with some green porridge, which tastes really good!

Lunch is screaming witches brew soup, after which we all have our faces painted by Grace.

Of course there are Halloween movies aplenty, which is a real treat as we only watch TV occasionally, usually one carefully chosen film on family movie night- with homemade popcorn.

Pumpkin carving is next, and Harry and Grace do an amazing job of theirs!

After that I put together a healthy scary buffet with not-so-healthy pancakes which make Grace and Harry feel sick afterwards, but everyone is full to the brim! Daniel and Angus even have a little snooze!

After the final movie, we tidy up and get the Hoose ready for bedtime. But before bed, we all have a shot of dooking for apples! After a spooky story, we all head to bed after a nice (healthy) Halloween!

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