I can’t believe how fast this year has been!

14 months ago we arrived in California, and it’s been non-stop ever since. I was thinking about my dad and realised he was around my age now when I went to stay with him as a teen. That just blew my mind! He seemed so much older and wiser than me. It’s mad how life can shift your perspective so suddenly, and it gave me a new appreciation for our life choices. I could still be in my wee hoose in Scotland, comfortable, eating well and tending my garden in the warmer months. Sounds nice but for me, I prefer stepping out of my comfort zone- that’s where you learn, grow and make the most of this beautiful gift called life. My friends back home always reach out to tell me how much happier we all look, and to continue following our dreams, which means the world to me! The fact that they can see the changes and care enough to tell us so shows true friendship, and I love and miss them all so much!

There is a change in the weather this week and even Georgia is cold. Last night was so chilly we had to close the vents and windows in the night, and the kids were complaining at breakfast time- they have acclimatised to the heat and are all cald tatties (freeze babies) now!

I have to grab a few things from Walmart, and when one woman gives me a strange look I remember that I still have my Halloween makeup on! We used all the water for dishes so I pop into the bathroom and quickly scrub it off, buy my groceries and head back out to the Hoose. Today, we are doing a bunch of chores including going to the laundromat and filling up water at the RV dump so we can all have showers. Living in the Hoose has been a big adjustment after living in a typical house, and though there may be some inconveniences, they are all worth it to be able to live off-grid and have the freedom to travel whenever and wherever we choose.

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